TLR 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135 & 138: the three lobed recordings 20th anniversary series subscription: seven albums (including two 2xLPs) (each with bandcamp coupon) and two t-shirts.

released starting october 9, 2020 and then every two months through october 2021. seven silver vinyl albums and two t-shirts. out of print.
three lobed recordings is now twenty years old. that's a hard sentence to type on this end, harder even to understand, really. sure, all numbers are arbitrary mile markers, but the ones that are divisible by 10 always seem to take on some sort of particular relevant or stature. was three lobed ever intended to be around for twenty years? not exactly, but by that same measure it wasn't established to be necessarily temporary either. the original ethos was an effort and desire to be of an assistance to / involved with the scene, the sort of situation where so long as things remained fun there would be no reason to stop. the fact that this is a conversation to even have as we come in on twenty years states that yes, this is still pretty fun.
ten years as a label were marked by assembling the not the spaces you know, but between them box set. fifteen years were marked by assembling the parallelogram collection. twenty years is not marked by a single discrete project but rather a yearlong series. unlike its predecessors, this series / project does not have a single overarching name. nor is it an all or nothing affair, like those that came before it. the series consists of six free-standing albums released over a year's time. a situation where a listener can pick up the titles that speak to directly to them. the titles are soundkeeper by the gunn-truscinski duo (a 2xLP) due out in october 2020 followed over the course of 2021 by albums from daniel bachman, sunburned hand of the man, six organs of admittance, body/head and sonic youth. more details on all of the non-gunn-truscinski duo LPs will be revealed in due time but we can tell you that there is at least one additional 2xLP in this upcoming lineup.
while a la carte on these titles is somewhat the point of this series, we did want to create a bundle for those who have been riding the three lobed train for a while, enjoy (or are haunted by?) completism and/or like to be surprised. by choosing to pick up the entire six album collection you get the following: (1) all six of the three lobed recordings 20th anniversary titles delivered to you in advance of their respective street dates (or as timely as possible, depending on when you pick up your subscription), (2) all six of the three lobed recordings 20th anniversary titles on silver vinyl since it is the silver anniversary after all (silver vinyl is only available as a part of this "subscription")" (3) seventh three lobed recordings 20th anniversary LP from mystery performers that will be shipped alongside one of the other twentieth titles (this title is being primarily reserved - and exclusively on silver vinyl - for "subscribers" with only a very small amount of black vinyl copies being available at retail), and (4) two t-shirts in two different designs (we understand that some subscriptions may be sold to households who only need one set of records but may want additional shirts for other household members - we can work that out!). note that only approximately 350 copies on silver vinyl will exist, 250 being sold between this site and the TLR bandcamp site.
the price for a subscription to the three lobed recordings 20th anniversary experience is $185 postpaid within the US. this price covers all seven records on silver vinyl (shipped as released) and the two shirts and postage on the same to any US address. with international shipping rates being difficult to peg and predict, if you want to purchase this set and do not live in the US, go ahead and purchase and we can set up a shipping schedule that works best for you and sort out shipping rates accordingly. to be clear, this price does **not** include international shipping which will have to be paid for separately. we will follow up directly with all orders regarding shirt sizes separately.
iä! shub-niggurath!